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主题:Gender Reveals in the Labor Market: Evidence on Gender Signaling and Statistical Discrimination in an Online Health Care Market

2024年05月23日 09:13  点击:[]



主讲人北京师范大学    何浩然教授

主持人浙江财经大学经济学院   罗俊教授

摘 要:A recent approach to testing for customer statistical discrimination involves studying price gaps between sellers from different groups and how they evolve as buyers obtain more information about seller quality. We consider a similar setting, testing for statistical discrimination against female doctors in an online health care market. But in this setting this kind of analysis does not provide evidence on statistical discrimination because doctors have a choice about how strongly to signal gender. We develop a new approach to identifying statistical discrimination using doctors’ choices about signaling their gender. We find evidence of statistical discrimination against female doctors in male-dominated fields, and against male doctors in female-dominated fields. In particular, female doctors mask gender more strongly initially in male-dominated fields, and male doctors do the same in female-dominated fields. But in both female- and male-dominated fields the gender gap in signaling decreases with number of customer reviews of doctors. More generally, our evidence indicates how, in some markets, sellers may be able to reduce statistical discrimination by masking their group membership.


何浩然,瑞典哥德堡大学经济学博士,北京师范大学京师特聘教授,国家级青年人才项目入选者,国家一级运动员。主要研究领域为行为经济学、实验经济学、劳动力市场、亲社会行为、团队决策、公共政策评估。近年来在Economic Journal、Journal of Labor Economics、Experimental Economics、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Social Choice and Welfare、Journal of Economic Psychology、Economics Letters、China Economic Review、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《世界经济》等期刊上发表多篇论文。

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