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主题:Social Capital and Social Credit Scores: Experimental Evidence from China

2024年12月12日 20:01  点击:[]



主讲人:阿姆斯特丹自由大学 吴怡然博士

主持人:浙江财经大学 叶航教授


The impact of China’s social credit systems is a debated topic. To explore whether social credit scores affect social interactions among Chinese individuals, we conducted a trust game experiment using the Zhima credit score. This score is used most widely in China and connects tightly to many aspects of the daily lives ofover 700 millionindividuals. We investigate the influence of social credit scores on trust and reciprocity decisions and beliefs which are important ingredients of social capital. We randomly assign participants to one of three treatments, varying the information about the co-player’s social credit score. We find that trust and beliefs increase with the trustee’s social credit score. Trustees with higher social credit scores show greater reciprocity. The majority of trustors are willing to pay money to know trustees’ social credit scores. Social welfare was at least as high in scenarios in which the social credit score was known and in some scenarios significantly higher.


吴怡然,阿姆斯特丹自由大学博士生,澳大利亚莫纳什大学行为实验理论课题组访问博士,多次在国际学术会议上作报告,包括2023 Economic Science Association World Meeting,2024 Economic Science Association Asia-Pacific Meeting,17th Annual Australia and New Zealand Workshop on Experimental Economics等。研究领域为实验经济学、行为经济学,研究主题包括信用分体系、身份经济学、环境经济学和实地实验。

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